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Mind Body and Soul How Using Essential Oils Can Benefit Health

Can using essential oils be beneficial to long term health? How does this work? Humans are organisms that have systems that thrive on other organisms. This is how we get nutrition from vegetables, meats and dairy products. Organic products are essential to our organic bodies. We readily understand this when it comes to cooking and adding “herbal” ingredients like thyme, oregano or cayenne pepper. A lot of our herbs and seasonings can be processed to extract oils from them. This is where essential oils come into play. Consuming edible “plant” materials aid the body’s nutritional value. When the same items are used in a different manner like smelling them or topically applying them, we reap greater rewards. Our senses work in unison and what we put into or onto our bodies matter to all aspects of being human. The mind, body, spirit connection gives essential oils an expressway to build greater health benefits beyond the nutritional value.

Using Essential OilsUsing Essential Oils For Peace of Mind and Calming Anxieties

Our senses are what connect the information our bodies process to the reactions it applies too. For instance, smelling a flower can give us an all around “feel good” sensation. The aroma starts a chemical reaction in our brains that results in the sensation. Botanists found that extracting oils from plants and using them to “excite” the senses created astounding results. Different plants and herbs have different uses and can be used in a variety of ways. Mixing these essential oils for targeted afflictions showed that using essential oils has multiple health benefits. Lavender for example is known for it’s calming properties. Diffusing a lavender essential oil into your home environment can bring peace and calm without full consciousness of that happening. Someone who is prone to anxiety might also use a lavender soap made with essential oils. This too, would have a calming effect. The same person may also dab some lavender essential oils behind their ears for an all day aromatherapy effect for calming anxieties and peace of mind.

Using Essential Oils for DIY Home Remedies

Essential oils are used in many therapeutic environments. Holistic health care providers are using essential oils. You will find that massage therapists use essential oils in their massage treatments to provide an extra boost to the health benefits of the service. Essential oils can be used to replace harmful toxin based products. Due to their natural plant source side effects or allergens are not as likely to happen as a result of use. Tea tree oil, for instance, promotes healing and can be used as a natural insect repellent. There are as many DIY home remedies using essential oils as there are essential oils in general, literally 100’s of thousands of them.

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