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Tribute To My Brother Dave

My brother Dave was the first boy born after our parents had three girls. We lost Dave earlier in life than normal. I wanted to take some time and give a tribute to my brother Dave. My brother was an amazing person.


Tribute To My Brother Dave My Childhood Friend

I did a memorial post on Facebook as a tribute to my brother Dave but I also wanted to share some of memories of him with you. Dave was a good friend to have when we were growing up. We used to play make-believe games, play with army men, and climb trees together. He was smart and amazing to have as a brother. I remember playing a lot of “cowboys and Indians”. That’s what we’d see a lot of on TV, and we’d role play as children.  I had two older sisters, and Dave being the oldest of three younger brothers.

Funny thing is, my two older sisters were redheads, really red. Then I was born, and I was like a dirty blonde. Then David was born and he was a Tribute to my brother Davebright, bright redhead. So I always felt a little bit “out”. The two younger brothers were born without the red hair, that made me feel a little better. David died 11 years ago today from a very rare form of cancer. There was no treatment for the form of cancer he had.

Tribute To My Brother Dave Grateful For Memories

I was reading something my sister wrote before Dave had died. I was thinking about how time flies, and that it’d been 11 years since his passing. A lot of the intricate details she had written about my brother brought me back to when. I’d forgotten some of the things that we shared in Dave’s lifetime. Siblings are important. They help us learn how to interact with others and how to navigate through life. Like in most families, Dave and I use to fight a lot. Yet he’d be the first one to defend me in situations that would arise. Losing him was and still is a great loss to our family. So I cherish these memories. Watch the video above for more little snippets from my tribute to my brother Dave. I miss him everyday, am grateful for my many memories of Dave, and take comfort in knowing he is with Jesus.

Have you lost a loved one? Have you experienced losing a sibling or other close family member? Comment below. Was this difficult for you to get through? How have you learned to survive without them?

Have a great evening, I hope you enjoyed hearing my story.

Deirdre Powell