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How To Move Past Negative Emotions

We all go through emotional times and can get caught up in our feelings. When we’re feeling negative emotions around us how can we move through them effectively? The things happening in our world can take a toll on us emotionally. We must be strong and recognize when they grip us and refuse to let go. We must take charge and work to move past negative emotions. Here are a few things I’ve learned in my recent experiences.

Negative Emotions – Learning How To Control Your Emotions

I was on our company call the other morning and the host talked about controlling your feelings. He mentioned a few questions to ask yourself if you’re feeling out of whack. These can help you pinpoint a source and begin taking control of your negative emotions.

1.) What are you eating? What are you putting into your body?

You really are what you eat. If you’re eating nutritious foods and meeting your bodies requirements it will show. When people constantly eat junk food their bodies will start to feel run down. When your body is out of balance it will show up in your thinking and in your emotional reactions. The body is like an engine, it requires gasoline to run properly. If you put leaded gasoline into an engine that runs on unleaded gasoline it messes up the whole system. Your body needs healthy food to run efficiently.

2.) What are you hanging onto that is no longer serving you? What can you let go of?Negative Emotions

There are four basic emotions you can look for. Anger, guilt, grief, and doubt. Anger can actually destroy you. It’s things you might have been harboring for years. Let go of these by using forgiveness. Forgiveness isn’t always about the other person. Often times they have no idea you’ve held onto that this long. Let it go!

Unresolved guilt can effect your mental state. It weighs you down and holds you back. It keeps you from taking that next right step. Guilt is a common cycle we all do to ourselves. You say you’re going to do something, then you put it off only to feel guilty about it later. This is a negative pattern we do to ourselves. Guilt at the core is self judgement. You can resolve guilt by forgiving yourself for past mistakes.

There’s nothing wrong with grieving. The problem is when grief controls you and prevents you from moving past it. There’s a time for grief and then there should be time for healing the grief related incident. You have a purpose here and you need to get through the grief process to come out still happy and successful. Some people find it easier to do than others. But without processing through grief it can bog you down mentally, emotionally, and physically.

You have to get clear on doubt and areas where you have double mindedness. If you have a business and it’s growing yet you’re doubting yourself this is double mindedness. Look at things how they are rather than how you think they should be, or through another persons view. Sometimes doing this will show us what we need to work on accepting about ourselves.

3.) What are you feeding your brain? Are you feeding it positive uplifting things?

If you think of your body as a computer that does input and output, it makes sense to put positive things into your consciousness. You can do this by reading motivational or inspiring stories. Educational videos or books will help you expand your mind and the way you think. Meditation is good calming and inner-work method many people use to gain control over negative emotions.

I hope you got some value from my blog.

Leave me a comment below I would love to hear your thoughts.

Deirdre Powell (Dee)