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Are Home and Occupational Cleaning Products Causing Lung and Respiratory Decline?

Stay at home moms and professional cleaners were part of a large study that shows an alarming decline in lung and respiratory ailments. These studies link exposure to harmful cleaning chemicals and breathing obstructions. Participants were mainly women and were cross checked with their male counterparts. Workplace chemicals are hard to get around without a job change. However, harsh home cleaning solutions can be replaced with less harmful products that DO NOT cause long term health problems. Let’s look at the study and discuss how to affordably take charge and remove these dangers from the home environment.

Home Cleaning Supplies Increase Risk of Asthma and Other Breathing Complications

The study shows “women cleaning at home and female occupational cleaners had more doctor diagnosed asthma than women not cleaning”. This was alarming to read. With increasing health care costs this can become a costly problem. Increased occurrences of COPD in women who clean were also noted. Stating exposure to some chemicals were comparable to smoking 20 packs of cigarettes a day. If cleaning solutions are affecting generally healthy woman who clean, how does this reflect on homes with children or elderly members whose respiratory systems may be weaker? Are we unknowingly putting our families at risk? YES! Do we have alternatives to remove the dangers to our health? YES! Can we do this economically without upsetting our current monthly budgets? YES!

What Are The Alternatives For Women Who Clean at Home or Occupational Cleaners

Last year I did a full home conversion that removed all harsh cleaning chemicals from our home environment. I didn’t stop there though. I realized that with my grandchildren in my home that there were harmful chemicals in a lot more than just the cleaning products. Did you know that soaps, shampoos and laundry detergents have unnatural ingredients? They do, and can cause other lung and respiratory issues like allergies and emphysema. There was nothing in my home that was free from chemicals that harm the body and internal organs. Deodorant? Replaced. Toothpaste? Replaced. Vitamins? Replaced.

Chemicals that are bad for us seemed to be in every common product we used in our home. I went “gung ho” on finding an alternative that would allow me to not only remove these types of products but to replace them entirely. With healthier products that cause no harm to my family. This change would interrupt the decline of the issues outlined in this study. Checking labels and finding replacements that weren’t outrageously priced was consuming my time and energy. I thought “if I could find one brand that produced only healthy products, I would fully convert over”.

Not only did I find a brand, I found a company that produces several brands of only clean, healthy GREEN products for the home. I was able to easily place an online order that replaced each product that had harmful chemicals in its ingredients. I lost no quality in the conversion. The cleaning products clean just the same. The deodorant works as it should. Most importantly, I made a conscious decision to only have healthy products in my families living environment. I made it my mission to help educate other woman about how these chemicals expose us the health problems. AND invite them to watch a presentation that shows them just how easy it is to convert your household over to a non-toxic environment. With cancer wrecking havoc in many families its more important than ever to become aware of the real dangers in our homes.

work from home opportunities

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