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Happy Valentines Day Love One Another

Valentine’s day is a day where everyone goes out of their way to show love and appreciation to friends and family. It’s a holiday to love one another in special ways. I believe that everything should be done out of love, or a place of love. Including running your business from a place of love and appreciation.


Love One Another Do Everything From a Place of Love

When you do everything from a place of love you’re doing things for all the right reasons. You love your family so you want to provide for them. To provide for them you have to earn a living. A lot of people are discontent with their jobs or business, mostly because they forget why they’re doing it. Love One AnotherWhen what you do comes from a place of love everything becomes more appreciated. No matter what your working position is, do your work with love and remembrance of the greater purpose it serves. You don’t have to love your job, just the reason you do it. If your goal is to provide for your family and the job is serving that purpose, there’s no real reason to hate your job. If it’s not truly meeting your needs it might be time to look elsewhere.

Love One Another It Creates Happiness

Happiness is a choice and many things go unappreciated. When we’re unappreciative life things tend to bog us down. The answer is always to love one another. Being aware of others needs and providing solutions lovingly can make things run more smoothly. When we come from a place of love we are appreciative, understanding, and positive. These things aren’t easily accepted by negative people. You don’t have to join them to beat them. Simply being the better person, the one that can do things from a place of love, will automatically give you better results and situational outcomes.

Every interaction we have with others is an opportunity to love one another. Coming from a place of love is pretty powerful and should be used in all life workings and helps us to get at the very important WHY’S. Those why’s and our love are our greatest foundations in life and in business. Are you coming from a place of love in your business? In your life? Tell me below about an opportunity you’ve experienced coming from a place of love.

Expect Success,

Dee Powell