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5 Ways to Overcome Obstacles

Do you always seem to have obstacles?

Don’t feel bad you are not alone. We all encounter obstacles in every area of our life. Especially in business.

Obstacles should not be considered a bad thing. Obstacles should be seen as challenges that will cause growth.

In this blog I will discuss 5 ways to overcome obstacles


5 ways to overcome obstacles

 5 Ways to Overcome Obstacles:

1. Get rid of old patterns that lead to failure

Identify old patterns of behavior that create roadblocks to your success.

Start seeing yourself as a leader!

~Eliminate the word “Should” from your vocabulary. The word “should” tricks us into confusing intentions with action.

~Eliminate the word “Problems” from your vocabulary and replace it with “Challenges.” Focus on where you want to go not where you are.

~ Stop letting past mistakes control your present. You are not the mistakes of your past. Your past mistakes and failures are your greatest asset because you have gained knowledge from them.

~Focus on the right things. Poor people focus on what they are afraid of. Rich people focus on where they want to go and what they need to do to get there.


2. Master your emotional state

Certain mental or emotional states lead to wealth and success.

~In Sales: certainty, clarity, conviction and confidence. You have the skills that you developed that puts you in a superior place.

~In your Personal Life: compassion, understanding, empathy and kindness.

~Disempowering states: fear, jealousy, greed, doubt, uncertainty, guilt, and shame. These cause you to lose focus and perform at a low level. Disempowering states should be avoided at all costs.


3. Understand how your brain works

Your brain is like a computer. Everything you read, hear or even speak to yourself about is information that is taken and stored in the brain.

The brain doesn’t know if the information is good or bad, it just sees it as information to be stored.

If you put negative information into your brain, you will get negative information out in thoughts and actions. Negative leads to failure.

If you put in positive information into your brain, you will get positive information out in your thoughts and action. Positive leads to success.


4. Master your fear

There are three ways to manage your fear:

  • Pretend your fear doesn’t exist: this is done by people who live at the lowest level.
  • Act in spite of fear: set a goal for yourself that is big enough to scare you a little.
  • Make you goal bigger than your fear.


5. Set effective goals

There are 5 keys to setting effective goals:

  1. Write down your goals.
  2. Put a Date on your goals – if you need to change the date that’s OK.
  3. Identify people, groups and organizations you need to align yourself with.
  4. Take massive action.
  5. Identify what’s working and what’s not working and change your approach accordingly.


5 ways to overcome obstacles 

In conclusion to overcome obstacles you have to get rid of old patterns of behavior, master your emotional state, understand how your brain works, master your fear and set effective goals. You can do it! I believe in you!

Deirdre Powell (Dee)

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