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Your attitude is everything. Have you checked your attitude lately?

Have you ever been in a store or office and the person behind the counter has a really bad attitude?

I was in a lab to get blood work and the woman behind the counter had a really nasty attitude. She always had a bad attitude. She spoke to every person with such attitude that it really bothered me. Elderly men and women were spoken to like they were stupid. It just made me so angry.

I wondered what could possible be causing her to be so nasty to these people. After all, she had a job and if those elderly people didn’t go there for their blood work, she wouldn’t have a job. I never did find out what was going on with her but the last couple times I went for blood work she wasn’t there.

attitude is everything

Attitude is Everything

I used to be a cashier years ago. If I had a bad attitude my customers would have a bad attitude right back at me.

What I learned back then was that I had a choice how my day was going to go by my attitude.

If you want to have a good day you have to check your attitude.

When I was layed off from my job that I had been at for 15 years, my attitude was “everything happens for a reason”.

I didn’t know what the reason was but I figured that God had something better for me. When the Boss came to me to tell me she was sorry, that she felt really bad about having to let me go, I told her “Everything happens for a reason, I actually feel bad for you because you were the one who had to make the hard decision.” She was a little shocked by my response. She thought I was going to be angry with her.

Some of the others who were layed off didn’t have a positive attitude about the situation. They were miserable and bitter about it. A few months after we were layed off the company needed contractors to help with a project. I was one of the first that they called to come back as a contractor. Those that had the bad attitude weren’t brought back. Attitude is everything!


attitude is everything

Attitude is Everything in Relationships

Attitude is everything in relationships no matter what type of relationship.

How you treat other people will determine how they treat you back. If you are always short with someone the minute they open their mouth don’t expect them to speak nicely to you. How we speak to others is a reflection of our attitude.

If you speak to someone like you have respect for them you will get a respectful answer back. But if you speak with attitude you’re going to get attitude back.


attitude is everything

Attitude is Everything – How do we Respond

I try to be extra nice to people when they have an attitude.  I tell them to have a nice day to say something nice to them to see if I can change how they are acting at the moment. We don’t have to react to people’s bad attitudes in a bad way.

Just because someone has a bad attitude doesn’t mean you have to respond back to them with a bad attitude. You have a choice as to how you respond or react to their attitude. It might take some practice but you can control how you respond.

Don’t let other people bad attitudes spoil your day.

Some people have a chip on their shoulder and their goal is to make everyone around them miserable. The best thing you can do is not let them get to you. Don’t let their negative attitudes rub off on you. Respond in a positive manner no matter what. You will see the difference it will make.


attitude is everything

In conclusion Attitude is everything. How others respond to you is a direct result of your attitude. You have a choice how you respond back to people with bad attitudes. You don’t have to let other peoples attitudes spoil your day.


attitude is everything


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Deirdre Powell (Dee)

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