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3 Ways to Make a 6 Figure Income Online

Are you looking for a way to make a 6 figure income online?

There are many ways to make money online. It’s important to do your research before you make a decision as to what business you want build.

In this blog I will discuss 3 ways to make a 6 figure income online.

Of course these are many more ways to make money online but in this post I will focus on 3.

 3 ways to make a 6 figure income online.

Create Your Own Information Products :

Creating your own information products is a great way to make a 6 figure income online. It probably won’t happen over night. One of the things you need to do is build a reputation online.

This can be done by getting yourself on social media and then expand your presence.

Create a training product for something you are passionate and knowledgeable about.  


Consulting Using Webinars:

Consulting is a great way to make a 6 figure income online.

Determine the niche you want to do consulting for.

Use webinars to market your service to those in your niche.

If you don’t have previous experience with webinars one of the resources I used to help me learn to do Webinar Sales Magic.


High Ticket Affiliate Products:

High ticket affiliate products is another great way to make a 6 figure income online.

There are many affiliate programs on the Internet to choose from.

You need to do your research to determine the affiliate program that is right for you.

No matter what business you decide to build online you will need to learn how market your business if you don’t already know how. The MLSP products are designed to help you build your business no matter what business you are in.

There are many training products available online but the best advice I can give would be to get a mentor/coach to help you through the process. Your mentor/coach should be someone who has a proven track record, who has already made a 6 figure income.

Invest in your online business

You must be willing to invest in your business.

If you started a brick and mortar business, you would have to get a loan and buy inventory and either rent or buy space. You would have to make a substantial investment in your business and there is no guarantee that your business would be a success.

An online business still requires an investment. You may need to purchase a new computer or invest in training courses to learn the skills you need to market and build your business online. You will also have marketing expenses just like a brick and mortar business.

Invest in your personal development

Another important part of building a 6 figure income online is investing in your personal development by reading positive and motivational books like:

  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  • Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
  • Tribes by Seth Godin
  • 7 habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R Covey
  • Live Your Dreams by Les Brown

Is making a 6 figure income online possible?  Yes if you are willing to do what ever it takes and make an investment in your business and yourself.

Remember if you are serious about building a 6 figure business online you must treat it like a business not a hobby. Too many people start online businesses and they don’t think they have to work, that the money is just going to magically appear in their bank accounts.

Building an online business is work and if you still have a job to go to every day it could mean long hours added on to your already long day at work. It is possible to build an online business part time in your spare time, but it take commitment and hard work.

Get hooked up with a community of like minded individuals. If you are in an affiliate marketing company like MLSP plug in the community for support.

If you are building a Consulting business or creating your own Informational Products, find a mastermind group of others who are doing the same thing. It will make all the difference in your business.

Reference: Useful tools


Deirdre Powell (Dee)

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