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Believe in Yourself So Others Can Too


Tonight I wanted to talk about self belief, and how to believe in yourself. Do you own a business? Do you have a goal you want to achieve? Do you have something you want to do? But something keeps holding back? It can be in your personal life, or your business life.  Is there something that keeps holding you back?

I want to tell you what you need most in these situations is to believe in yourself.  That’s the first step, believing in yourself, to get what you want in life. You need to have self belief when you set out to do things. You will be able to do what you set your mind to do. So if you first don’t have belief in yourself, it will show in the words you use, the way you talk, the way you hold yourself in situations.

We have so much baggage we’re carrying around. Someone told us when we were little that we weren’t good enough, that we couldn’t do something, or that we wouldn’t amount to much. Basically, they’ve said something that put this little program into our brain that says I’m not good enough. That little program will pop up and tell you “you can’t do anything spectacular”.

I heard someone say something once that I thought I was amazing. It’s kind of funny because it’s true. In conception the sperm has to swim and fight it’s way to the egg to be the winner. Just by being alive here today you are already a winner. Do you get that?? You are the one that beat out all those other sperm to get the opportunity to be born human. You were created! You made it! Isn’t that funny, but true?

So really, you can do anything you set your mind to but you have to believe in yourself. You have to believe like the little sperm that you are the one, no doubts, no hesitations. You’re it! It helps too if you pray about it. You always have God on your side. When feeling weak, lean on him. We’re all winners. That’s just proof enough to know, even before they stuck that messed up program in your head. Flip the switch!

Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope you got some value.

Leave me a comment below I would love to hear your thoughts.

Deirdre Powell (Dee)