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The Power of Intention Chapter Three Review

Chapter three of The Power of Intention is about Connecting To Intention.

How do we connect to Intention?

Dr. Dyer begins chapter three with a quote by Thomas Troward.

“The law of flotation was not discovered by contemplating the floating of things which float naturally, and then intelligently asking why they did so.”

Thomas Troward made an observation that ships were made of wood because wood floats. It wasn’t until people started studying the laws of floatation that they discovered that anything could float as long as it was lighter than the  body of water it was on. Dr Dyer recommends that we keep this in mind when reading this chapter.

What are you contemplating?

What are you placing your thoughts on?

In order to connect with intention you can’t contemplate or have your thoughts on the impossibilities or what’s missing.

To connect with intention you need to continuously think that you are already surrounded by what you want to create.


“Dwell in the idea of a supreme infinite power producing the results that you desire. This power is the creative power of the universe. It’s responsible for everything coming into focus. By trusting it to provide the form and conditions for its manifestation, you establish a relationship to intention that allows you to be connected as long as you practice this kind of personal intent.” ~ Dr Dyer

The Power of Intention Chapter Three Review

Entering Into The Spirit of Intention

How your thinking, what you’re contemplating and how your inner speech determine how you feel. Your feelings express life through you, they are clues about your destiny and potential.

Feelings express life, but how do you enter into the spirit of intention? You nurture it by the spiritual law of increase being a part of your life.

The energies of life, love, beauty and kindness are what you should contemplate. To be in harmony with this principle of intention will give expression to your own power of intention.


The Power of Intention Chapter Three Review

Your Will and Your Imagination

Your free will does exist. You’re are capable of making choices. You’re deliberately make choices throughout your life. Look at how you’ve chosen to rely on your ability to will yourself toward whatever you want. Having a strong will is asking ego to be the guiding force in your life. Ego won’t connect you to intention.

Your imagination is more effective than your will. Imagination will connect to the power of intention. Imagination creates the inner picture in your mind that allows you to create. This is how you manifest your own destiny.

Focus on your imagination. Your imagination works, guides, encourages and pushes you in the direction that intention has for your goals and activities. It’s your imagination that allows you to think from the end.


The Power of Intention Chapter Three Review

Applying the Seven Faces for Connecting to Intention

 ” If you become what you think about, and what you think about is what you want, then you’ll stay in a state of wanting” ~Dr Dyer

” You get what you intend to create by being in harmony with the powe of intention, which is responsible for all creation.” ~ Dr Dyer

1. Be creative – Trust our own purpose and have intent in your daily thoughts and activities. Write down your intentions and read them every day.

2. Be Kind – When you think, feel and act kind, you become like the power of intention. Connect to intention by being kind to yourself. Be kind to others and you will receive kindness back.

3. Be love – Love is not competition. The force behind the will of God is love. Don’t allow unloving thoughts in your mind. Love those that you feel have harmed you.

4. Be beauty – Appreciate beauty in everything you see, touch and experience. “Beauty is not caused. It is…”~ Emily Dickenson

5 Be ever expanding – To identify with the universal mind you need to be in an ever expanding state where you are growing intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Stay in a state of readiness, think from the end and be open to receiving divine guidance. Doing this will enable you to be open to the law of growth and receptive to the power of intention.

6. Be abundant –  Abundance is endless in intention. In the universal world of spirit there is no scarcity.  An attitude that reflects scarcity will keep you from connecting with intention. The Kingdom of God is about abundance. 

7. Be receptive – Recognize your true relationship to the universal mind. The universal mind is receptive when you stay in harmony with it and have a reverence for it. Stay connected to your source and allow your source to guide you. Let go of your ego. Meditate to make contact with God.


In conclusion, to connect with intention you need to continuously think that you are already surrounded by what you want to create. The energies of life, love, beauty and kindness are what you should contemplate. Your feelings express life through you, they are clues about your destiny and potential.

Your imagination is more effective than your will. Imagination will connect to the power of intention. It’s important to apply the seven faces in order to connect to intention.


To read my blogs on Chapter 1 and 2 click the links below:  

What is the Power of Intention Review of Chapter 1

What is the Power of Intention Part 2 Review of Chapter 2


Click to get your own copy of  The Power of Intention


Have a great day!

Deirdre Powell (Dee)

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