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We Had a Family Baptism Today

What an awesome Sunday at church. Today I’m a very proud Christian and Grandmother. My grand daughters and my daughter in law Candy were baptized today at church. Getting baptized with the girls made it a family baptism. I’m a believer and today’s family baptism makes me beam in the glory of Jesus Christ our Savior.

Baptism is an important part of Christianity and turning your life over to the care of God. Baptisms are normally done in the first year of life. While family baptismother parents wait until the child is older and can better understand the decision they are about to make. My family goes to church regularly, so this was a dedication to Christ through baptism for not only my grand daughters, but also my daughter in law. All of them are wonderful people and knowing they’ve made the choice to walk with Jesus, and trust in HIS salvation makes me very happy.

Family Baptism We Worship Together

It is through God all things are done. With family, we can’t make choices for them, we can only be examples. Sharing this dedication day with all three members of my family fills me with joy. Even though I’ve not been feeling the greatest lately, I made it a point not to miss this event. I look forward to church and praise on Sundays. Having family gatherings is another way I like to spend my time. So of course after the celebration at church, we celebrated some more at home. Witnessing their dedication truly raised my spirits, and made me grateful for being who I am today.

I felt full of God, full of love for my family, and just generally special today. The girls getting baptized together gives them a day to share with each other later in life. What do think about baptism? Do you believe it should be done early in life? Or later in life? Some people get baptized more than once in their lifetime. Do you know anyone that has been baptized more than once?

Comment below and let’s discuss family baptism. Have a great night!!

Dee Powell